Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oh the Joys of Boys

If ever there was a Girly Girl, I was her.  I didn’t start out that way.  It evolved over time.  A fabulously diva-ish older sis whom I always looked up to, and an always put together beautiful mother, my Tom Boy ways slowly but surely vanished away.  Over time, I went from accompanying my father on trips to the hardware store, and playing with the rocks and dirt, to donning hot rollers in my hair, and blowing on my freshly painted finger nails.  I evolved from the “son my father never had” to the prissy captain of the cheerleading squad with flowing blonde hair and the trail of boys who followed.  Labels on my clothing, heels on my shoes, Brad Pitt posters on my walls…  Transformation complete.  Never looked back.
Not in a million, billion, gazillion years did I ever envision myself being the mother of a boy.  Having had no prior experience with boys- no brothers to speak of & the aunt of a perfectly gorgeous niece- when I saw the identity of my own little bambino’s gender show on that small black and white screen, you could have knocked me off of the table with a feather.  What the hell was I going to do with a BOY!?
Once I held him in my arms, I of course embraced it.  “Mommy’s little Boy… ahhh.”   I vowed to work my hardest to grow him into a sensitive, compassionate, SAFE, little man.  He’d be astute, and cautious, proper, courteous, demure even.  Did I mention, safe and cautious?  Oh was my number one priority to keep my new little prince safe!   To the point that I’d sometimes drive myself to the point of hysteria just thinking about all the possible ways he could feel hurt.  The thought pained me to the core.  I denounced the talks of four wheelers, dirt bikes, trampolines, and the like that I’d heard from my husband and his family.  Eleven short months later, along came another little boy.  Me, with two boys!  If there is a god, he or she certainly has got a sense of humor. 
I enjoyed the purchasing of preppy clothing, books, blocks and the like, and remained steadfast in my view of keeping them away from anything potentially dangerous or vulgar as they played in a completely baby proof environment.  There was no budging on this rule.  Even talks of all the mischief my little angel babies would get into, by jokesters in the family, pissed me off. 
Well, just as all things cycle around- so too have I.  That prissy person I’d evolved into has been steadily chipped away at.  Fast forward six years.  I’ve got two little boys that will be turning four and five years old before this Christmas, and sometimes I amaze myself with the gifts I look at for them.  I can’t even help myself.  I want them to embrace life!  Their smiles and laughter because of the joy they get out of living is priceless to me.  Last year, I purchased mini skate boards for them- MYSELF.  The husband couldn’t believe it when I’d brought them home.  The prima donna, sheltered gal who wasn’t ever allowed to jump on a trampoline growing up and never once wore a pair of roller skates actually purchased dangerous skate boards for her little angels?!  Yep, and I also allow them to bounce on my in-laws’ trampoline to their little hearts’ content.  I get excited looking at dirt bikes in Toys R Us, and count the years until they can enjoy the thrills and joys of cruising on one of them themselves.  (In full protective gear, of course.)  I go fishing with them, although I’ll confess I never will place a worm on a hook.  I play the “Nilock” in our pretend games of Power Rangers, running around making monster sounds and hiding in closets and behind nooks and crannies all over the house, waiting to jump out and scare the bejesus out of these boys.  Outdoor games of baseball, football, digging in the sand to find sand crabs.  You name it, I’m probably doing it.  I’ve become a Tom Boy, yet again!  And I love every minute of it.
These are things I’d never be experiencing, if not for these sons of mine.  It’s true what they say- that when you become a parent, you get to relive your childhood all over again.  Only this time, it’s even better!  Oh how I love them, and all of the joy that they continue to bring to me.  And this is why I sigh as my heart leaps with joy, and I say, “Oh, the joys of Boys”!

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