Friday, January 6, 2012


Two Thousand and Twelve, what have you got in store?
Will you bring riches to my door?
Can I expect happiness, fortune and health?
For my friends, my family, and myself?
Or will you welcome death into my life-
Take away loved ones, and leave me in strife?
Will you inspire me to hit the gym more and bring sexy back?
I wouldn’t mind losing a few dress sizes; slimming down my tummy, bum and rack!
How many inches tall, will my little men this year gain?
Can you provide them with more happiness, and very little pain?
I wonder if Julian will be accepted into our school of choice…
Because if he did, we would truly rejoice!
I also sure hope you bring about a buyer for this home-
So that for seven long years we don’t have to roam.
Will the challenges facing us, break us or make us stronger?
Can you tell me if we'll be living in limbo for much longer?
Sooner would be better than later, for sure-
We’re ready to move on, and be out the door!
Will our family stay on good terms, as times changes and it grows?
And will you introduce us to new friends, keeping away foes?
May I have more time to enjoy your seasons in all of their wonder-
Instead of rushing about, missing the sunrises and thunder?
Will your flowers be brighter, your ocean waves more majestic and strong?
Should I expect the birds in 2012 to sing a more lovely song?
Whatever you shall bring about, this winter, spring, summer and fall…
As long as I’ve got my family to love- I’ll more than have it all!